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Admissions 2024
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The supporting documents for priority consideration include ?

The supporting documents to qualify for regional and targeted priority in university and college admissions, as announced by the Ministry of Education and Training in the official document No. 1919 dated April 28, 2023, are as follows:


 Priority Type

The supporting documents or methods of verification


 Regional priority


Based on the region of the secondary school

Candidates are required to declare their academic years of grades 10, 11, and 12 on the Ministry of Education and Training's system. The system will automatically calculate the cumulative scores and ranking based on the submitted information.


 Students who have a permanent residence (during high school or intermediate school) on the 18th day of the month in zone III communes and communes with extremely difficult villages belonging to ethnic and mountainous areas according to regulations of the Minister, Chairman of the Committee. Committee for Ethnic Minority Affairs and the Prime Minister; particularly difficult communes in coastal and island areas; communes with special difficulties, border communes, communes with safety zones in the investment category of Program 135 (according to Decision No. 135 dated July 31, 1998 of the Prime Minister); especially disadvantaged villages and communes in the areas prescribed by the Prime Minister if they study at high school (or intermediate level) in a district, town or city directly under the province where at least one of the communes is located. particularly difficult. (Point c, Clause 1, Article 7 of the current enrollment regulations).

Candidates declare on the system their period of continuous residence (during their high school or vocational school years) of over 18 months in particularly difficult communes.


Priority for target groups



Subject 01: Vietnamese citizen who is an ethnic minority who has a permanent residence during high school or intermediate school for more than 18 months in Region 1.

  • Birth certificate or a decision determining ethnic identity issued by the competent authority, and

  • Declaration of residential address on the system, indicating a regular residence (for a period of over 18 months) in Zone 1 during the time of studying at high school or vocational school.



Subject 02: Direct production workers who have worked continuously for 5 years or more, including at least 2 years as exemplary soldiers recognized and awarded at the provincial level or higher.

- Certificate from the management unit regarding the duration of employment, and Commendation Certificate or Decision of Recognition as an exemplary soldier at the provincial level.


Subject 03:

a) Disabled veterans, war invalids, and individuals with a Certificate of Entitlement to Policy Benefits, such as war invalids.

b) Military personnel; officers, non-commissioned officers, and conscripted soldiers serving in the People's Police who are selected for further education and have a service period of 12 months or more in Zone 1.

c) Military personnel; officers, non-commissioned officers, and conscripted soldiers serving in the People's Police who are selected for further education and have a service period of 18 months or more.

d) Former military personnel; officers, non-commissioned officers, and conscripted soldiers who have completed their service in the People's Police according to regulations.

a) Certificate of disabled veteran, war invalid; Certificate of entitlement to policy benefits as a war invalid.

b), c) Confirmation letter from the unit selecting them for further education from Battalion level (or equivalent) or a copy of the conscription order or confirmation from the unit or local police where the selection was made.

d) Discharge decision.


Subject 04:

a) Certificate of being a relative of a martyr.

b) Certificate of being a child of a war invalid or a disabled veteran with a labor capacity reduction of 81% or more, or a certificate of entitlement to policy benefits as a child of a war invalid.

c) Certificate of being a child of a participant in the resistance war who has been affected by chemical toxins with a labor capacity reduction of 81% or more.

d) Certificate of being a child of a National Armed Forces Hero or a Labor Hero during the resistance war.

e) Certificate of being a child of a participant in the resistance war with disabilities or deformities caused by the aftermath of chemical toxins, currently receiving monthly allowances.

a) Birth certificate of the candidate, and Death certificate or a certified copy of the "National Contribution" certificate; Declaration of the martyr's family situation (Form 05 issued with Decree 131/2021/NĐ-CP); Decision on granting the certificate of martyr's family and monthly allowance by the Department of Labor - Invalids and Social Affairs (if applicable).

b) Birth certificate of the candidate, and Certificate of war invalid issued by the competent authority according to regulations; or Certificate of entitlement to policy benefits as a war invalid with a labor capacity loss rate of 81% or higher issued by the Department of Labor - Invalids and Social Affairs.

c) Birth certificate of the candidate, and Certificate of being a participant in the resistance war affected by chemical toxins issued by the competent authority according to regulations; or Certificate of being a participant in the resistance war affected by chemical toxins issued by the Department of Labor - Invalids and Social Affairs.

d) Birth certificate of the candidate, and Decision on recognizing the title of National Armed Forces Hero; or Decision on recognizing the title of Labor Hero during the resistance war.

đ) Birth certificate of the candidate, and Monthly allowance decision (issued by the Department of Labor - Invalids and Social Affairs) for the child of a participant in the resistance war with disabilities or deformities caused by the aftermath of chemical toxins.


Subject 05:

a) Certificate of being a Youth Volunteer sent for concentrated education.

b) Military personnel; officers, non-commissioned officers, and conscripted soldiers in the People's Police who have served for less than 12 months in Region 1 or less than 18 months in other regions and are selected for further education.

c) Head of command, Deputy head of military command in communes, wards, towns; Village team leader, Platoon leader of core self-defense force, Core self-defense force members who have fulfilled their duty in the core self-defense force for 12 months or more and are applying for military basic branches. The maximum period for priority is 18 months from the date of discharge until the enrollment date.

a) Confirmation letter from the sending unit regarding the enrollment for further education.

b) Confirmation letter from the sending unit starting from the Battalion level (or equivalent) or a copy of the enlistment order or confirmation from the Police unit or local authorities where the recruitment took place.

c) Appointment document and Discharge decision.


Subject 06:

a) Vietnamese citizens belonging to ethnic minority groups with permanent residence outside the designated areas as specified in category 01.

b) Children of war invalids, diseased soldiers, or individuals entitled to benefits similar to war invalids with a disability rate of less than 81% in terms of labor capacity.

c) Children of individuals involved in the resistance war who have been affected by chemical toxins with a disability rate of less than 81% in terms of labor capacity.

a) Birth certificate or ethnicity re-determination decision of the competent authority.

b) The candidate's birth certificate, and the War Invalids Certificate issued by the competent authority according to regulations or the certificate of the sick soldier issued by the competent authority according to regulations or the certificate of policy beneficiaries such as: War invalids issued by the Department of Labor, War Invalids and Social Affairs.

c) The candidate's birth certificate, and the certificate of resistance activists infected with toxic chemicals issued by competent agencies of the Ministry of National Defense or the Ministry of Public Security or Certificate of resistance activists infected with toxic chemicals. toxic chemicals issued by the Department of Labor - Invalids and Social Affairs.


Subject 07:

a) Persons with severe disabilities have a certificate of disability issued by a competent authority as prescribed in the Joint Circular No. 37/2012/TTLT- BLDTBXH-BYT-BTC-BGDDT dated December 28, 2012 of the Ministry of Labor. - Invalids and Social Affairs, the Ministry of Health, the Ministry of Finance and the Ministry of Education and Training provide for the determination of the degree of disability by the Council for the determination of disability;

b) Elite workers of all economic sectors from the provincial, ministerial and higher levels are recognized with the title of skilled worker, artisan, granted a certificate or badge of Creative Labor of the Vietnam General Confederation of Labor. Male or Central Ho Chi Minh Communist Youth Union;

c) Teachers who have taught for full 3 years or more apply for teacher training courses;

d) Nurses, pharmacists, midwives, doctors, nurses, midwives, technicians, people with intermediate degrees in Pharmacy who have worked for full 3 years or more, apply for admission in the correct field of graduation in the field of pharmacy. health.

a) Certificate of "Severe disability" issued by the People's Committee of the commune/ward/town where the candidate permanently resides.

b) A copy of the title of good worker, artisan at provincial or ministerial level or higher; or Creative labor license (with attached decision).

c) Certificate of management unit about working time and labor contract or recruitment decision.

d) A copy of the intermediate diploma in Pharmacy; Certificate of management unit about working time and labor contract or recruitment decision.

Candidates need to read carefully to provide correct proof of preference in order to receive priority points. After registering the declaration on the system, candidates should regularly check the approval results of the receiving point to update if there are any errors. If the result is approved, it has been accepted.



For furthur information:

  1. Tutiion and Fees
  2. Student Life


Contact us:  

Admission Office:

  • Mr. Nguyen Van Minh - Admission Office – Phan Chau Trinh University
  • Address: 09 Nguyen Gia Thieu street, Dien Ngoc ward - Dien Ban town - Quang Nam province
    (Located in the Da Nang University Village Urban Area, Ward of Hoa Quy, District of Ngu Hanh Son, Da Nang)
  • Tel: (+84235) 3 757 959 – Hotline / Zalo: +84.962553155 +84.981559255
  • Email: [email protected]
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