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The mask and herd psychology

The mask and herd psychology

Because of the outbreak of Wuhan pneumonia in recent days, people have been scrambling to buy medical masks. Companies try to promote the effectiveness of 3-layer and 5-layer masks, which 3M, N95 masks are waterproof, which is activated carbon, what is antiseptic, etc. ... v ... Doctors go online to instruct how to find quality masks, how to wear them properly .. Not only that, the media is constantly updating the pneumonia epidemic. Wuhan in China, its neighboring countries and also Vietnam. There are also rumors that Vietnam, we currently have hundreds, even thousands of people infected with the state's information hiding information. In addition, it spread online video of people walking down the street and believed to be in Wuhan and dying due to pneumonia due to agent 2019-nCoV (official name of the agent) which is actually he was drunk. Then there were many universities to think about a week after Tet to see how the epidemic progressed, some places demanded for students to drop out of school ... Due to fear of being victims, people crowded together to buy imports. Medical pages that used to be very cheap were only a few thousand, now because people buy too much, the price is sometimes up to 30-40 thousand, that is, excluding imported medical masks, it is even higher. Actually it is only natural, supply exceeds demand, the price must go up, there must be speculation, there must be rich. However, is the mask an effective device to help people with it not get infected and get sick? Many people think so, but actually not. Why so? To know why, we must know how the 2019-nCoV agent is spread from person to person. To date, there is no evidence that the nCoV agent is spread from person to person through the droplets released from the respiratory tract of an infected person into the air to infect others like influenza, or through the air like tuberculosis. The nCoV agent is spread through drops from a cough or sneeze to nearby people, so if we have a mask covering our nose and mouth, this risk is avoided. Any mask is fine, medical is fine, N95 or 3M is fine. Even a layered mask like I instructed, a layered mask is fine. The main thing is to prevent the drops from the other person or in front of us, coughing, sneezing, spitting and sticking to it. Why any mask works, that's because it helps to prevent drops from getting into our noses or mouths, not because there are no masks, including regular medical masks, on sale. is to prevent viruses. Then will the droplets sticking to the outside of the mask make the virus crawl inside if the mask is absorbent? Even more impossible because the virus does not know cows, even bacteria, even if they are mobile, cannot crawl in, the droplets will dry and will follow the mask into the trash and be treated. Conversely, if the mask is expensive, the user tends to use it again and increases the risk of infection because the virus sticking on the outside has the opportunity to infect the user's nose and mouth. In addition, wearing a mask also has a more humanistic meaning for people, that is to prevent us from coughing, sneezing, sneezing and splashing at other people. However, what if I don't bring a mask with my person and I want to cough or sneeze? It is best to put in a tissue and then store it in a bag or keep it in your hand and then put it in the public trash. If you do not have a tissue, you should cough or sneeze into your elbow, avoiding the hand covering your mouth. Why not in the hand covering the mouth? That's because we create a second risk of transmission that many people don't notice is the direct route. Hands infected by coughing or chewing gas will stick to materials that the patient is holding such as doorknobs, such as stair hands, elevator buttons, intimate handshakes, daily household cups or glasses. restaurants / hotels… and then spread it to other people again because they will touch these places… then accidentally bring it to their mouth through the mouth, through eating ...


Therefore, the method of frequent hand washing after going out to public places, hospitals, hotels, cafes ... is very necessary to avoid infection that we must pay attention to. How to wash hands well? As long as we wash our hands often with soap and clean water, that's enough. If there is a quick antiseptic hand sanitizer used in public places, the better. It is not necessary to find and buy hand sanitizer that is advertised on the Internet, but pay for it if you do not qualify. In short, wearing a mask, whatever you use, when going out if you have to go to a crowded place is necessary, but absolutely do not use it. If the mask is made of cloth, after using it, it must be soaked in 0.5% chloramine B solution or Javel water to disinfect before washing and can be reused. When coughing and sneezing, if using a mask is good, if there is no mask, cough into a clean tissue and put it in the trash immediately or try to keep it in your hand or a nylon bag and bring it to the trash, if you don't have a tissue You should avoid covering your mouth with your hand, coughing or sneezing, but coughing and sneezing into your elbow and then wash your hands immediately. Hands must be washed often right after going home or at work, and there is no antiseptic solution that only needs soap and good hand washing. Note that masks are only one of the preventive measures to prevent splashes, while frequent hand washing, eating well, using clean eating utensils are also a very necessary and necessary solution. must apply. We often suffer from herd psychology, so when we see people doing it, we will do it without understanding if what we follow is really necessary or not. The less understanding, the more herd mentality. I am writing this article to wish to help you understand a little more about how to prevent Wuhan pneumonia, an epidemic that many people now think is end of the world and are deeply confused. Especially in this 4.0 era ... I will post one more article about Wuhan Pneumonia really is a commitment. Please watch it. Note FB is a place of sharing and commenting, not a place of swearing at. Please respect that.


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